8 Good Food Consumed Before Sleep

Who yesterday saw the World Cup final? Forced or coerced to stay up certainly yaaaa yesterday. However, some people who stay up late not only because there is a ball in the television show, yes. Them, yes it's hard to sleep.

Insomnia according to wikipedia is in sleep disorder symptoms such as difficulty sleeping. The symptoms are usually followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomnia is often caused by a disease or as a result of psychological problems.

Some people who stay up late or can not sleep refractive take a shortcut by taking drugs. Sleeping pills in an instant it can make us fall asleep and sleep well is then used as a fast alternative to be able to sleep and think tomorrow could start with a good activity. However, you know that these drugs if consumed continuously can also be bad for health?

People who are struggling to sleep, in addition to taking medication, usually cope with food. Eating before bed is considered making the stomach full and sleepy. There is indeed some truth, however if the food we eat too much or not can be dangerous too so ideal for our health.

At least, food that will be consumed before bed about 200 calories. Calories is already a combination of carbohydrates and protein plus a little bit. So, not carelessly food, or more calories than you already recommended, yaa.

Some of the foods below are foods that often are considered to make us drowsy and slept well this would not be consumed before bedtime.

The first, is caffeine. Some people already know yes why caffeine actually complicate ourselves to sleep. Even caffeine is often consumed for those who want to stay up, namely in the form of tea or coffee. We consume caffeine at least 4 hours before we sleep, yes.

The second is a sweet food. Many people say that eating chocolate can make us sleep better. This is precisely wrong. Consuming sweet foods, such as chocolate can raise blood sugar. The rise in blood sugar in the body we will make our increasingly bernergi and thus difficult to sleep.

Third was the spicy food. Spicy food is good food not consumed when we are going to sleep. This makes the stomach feel hot because the spicy flavor of the food. Heartburn will keep us awake and certainly more difficult to sleep.

The fourth is red meat. Red meat contains high calories and fat. This will not make us sleep soundly and when morning woke up, our bodies do not feel fresh.

Then how and what good food is consumed before going to bed? There is some good food or beverages consumed before bedtime. Besides consumed before going to sleep, food and drink can also make us fall asleep and sleep soundly.

1. Banana

The banana is a fruit which can make the full stomach faster than having to eat rice. By eating a banana before bedtime, the stomach will feel full and we will be fast asleep. Find a banana and getting a banana is not a difficult thing, isn't it?

However, in addition to making us more satiety, bananas can also make us to relax and fall asleep faster. Potassium and magnesium are found in bananas, can make the muscles to relax and reduce physical tension as well. This will make us fall asleep faster.

2. Milk

Seeing a baby or small child who still drink milk before bed, then can fall asleep quickly been able to show that milk can make us faster sleep, yes. Milk contains tryptophan which is very important for the body. These compounds also can make us become more relaxed and calm.
This explains why people fall asleep faster after drinking milk yes. Can diliat also of children or infants who can quickly fall asleep after drinking breast milk or formula.

3. Grape

Well wine can make us go to sleep? If the wine is good for us to sleep? If this is not good, can not go into the article and couldn't make it to 8 food consumed before bed yaaa.

Grape contains magnesium and melakonin. The compound then makes us fall asleep faster and even made us a good night's sleep. Ah yes, we must distinguish Yes, eating grapes with wine. Preferably 2 or 3 wine-Yes, we consumed before going to bed.

4. Cherry

According to research conducted in the UK, cherries together with grape ya, which contains melakonin, it means that cherries can make ourselves asleep while sleeping. In addition, according to the research also says that eating cherries can make us sleep better within 45 minutes. Long enough for you, so it's not going to wake up, because it is already asleep in the first 45 minutes of sleep.

5. Plum

Plums can also be an alternative when we found it difficult to sleep. A little difficult so look for a plum just to make us fall asleep. However, plums better than drugs consumed is not it? The content in the plum can cope with the stress of the body, so that it can make the body become more relaxed. So, it is better to eat the plum than drugs

6. Honey

Not difficult not to seek honey and eat honey before bed. Though honey contains sugar, but honey can make us sleep better. In addition, honey can also increase stress hormones. Make us not get too stressed or thinking about things before bed and could make the body become more relaxed. This proves that good honey taken before bed yaa.

7. Almond

Yaps almonds can make sleep more soundly turns. Almonds contain magnesium which serves to reduce the function of nerves and muscles. In addition, almonds also can balance the tablets of the heart rhythm. Heart so it can be more stable and make ourselves more quiet.

8. Tuber

Lastly, good food consumed before sleep is sweet. The traditional food that is still easily found this could be the easiest alternative food as good food is consumed before bedtime.
Sweet potatoes contain carbohydrates and potassium which can make us fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. Should consume potatoes several hours before bedtime, because it is not good too after eating cassava we fell asleep.

So how? Eating food that is definitely better for the body is the appropriate solution so we also slept soundly with the body remains healthy instead. So, switch to food over and reduce medicines that can’t make us sleep soundly.

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